erl>true and false.
hs>True && False
erl>false or true
hs>False || True
erl>not false.
hs>not False
erl> 5 =:= 5.
hs> 5 == 5
erl> 1 =:= 0.
hs> 1 == 0
erl> 1 =/= 0.
hs> 1 /= 0
erl> 5.0 =:= 5.
hs> 5.0 == 5
erl> 1<2.
hs> 1<2
erl> 1>=1.
hs> 1>=1
erl> 1=<1.
hs> 1<=1
erl> 5=:=true.
hs> 5 == True
No instance for (Num Bool)
arising from the literal `5' at <interactive>:1:0
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num Bool)
In the first argument of `(==)', namely `5'
In the expression: 5 == True
In the definition of `it': it = 5 == True
erl> 0==false.
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